5:00 PM – Check In & Networking
5:45 PM – Announcements
6:00 PM – Speaker: Mike Nelson
The days of remote management via a client-side application are numbered. Microsoft is rolling out their new on-premises management solution, currently called Project Honolulu, and it is public preview today. This solution will allow for the management of Servers, Clients, Services, and even 3rd party applications. It will also have in the future direct linkage to Microsoft’s Azure Operations Management Suite (OMS). In this session, we will look at how to install, configure, and work with Honolulu, as well as look at how it might integrate with OMS.
About Mike: “My career in technology spans almost three decades, involving a vast array of technologies and solutions in management and technical roles I have been honored to receive the Microsoft MVP award for Cloud and Datacenter Management, as well as being placed as a Microsoft Azure Advisor. I am also a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP), and In addition, a VMware vExpert award from VMware as well as a VMware User Group (VMUG) Leader for his state. Personally, I love to mentor people interested in technology, and give presentations around the knowledge that I have and want to share. I am always striving to learn more every day. I live in the Midwest US with my wife and two sons, and I enjoy spending as much time as possible with them, traveling the world, and playing with gadgets.”
Heavy Hors D’oeuvres will be served. This will be a combination of pizza, sandwiches and vegetable trays.
Students: $15
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $25 each
Non-Members: $30
5:00 pm Registration & Networking
5:45 pm Dinner (catered by Julie’s Café)
6:20 pm Chapter News and Announcements
6:30 pm Presentation by Lee Young
Lee will cut through the Hype and the thousands of words and hundreds of Consultant Presentations on the upcoming EU GDPR Regulations, to give the Audience a Quick Risk Assessment Questionnaire for GDPR Compliance.
Speaker bio:
Lee helps organizations from $10M up $100B improve their speed to market, gain measured improvements, reduce risk, and gain clear business value by improving project performance.
Lee has 35+ years business experience, with 25+ years in effective business leadership through the use of strategic and clearly focused project, program, and portfolio management techniques. Lee is passionate about helping deliver measurable benefits through setting clear goals, and focusing on outcomes, while helping individuals grow their capabilities at all levels. He is a subject matter expert in high complexity/risk project leadership and demonstrates deep and broad experience in delivering globally focused and multi-stakeholder projects, while mentoring project teams in the adoption of improved project management processes and tools. Lee is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP); his qualifications include an MS in Information Systems Engineering and an MPhil in Business Leadership Strategy.
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Students: $10
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $25 each
Non-Members: $30
Dinner Menu:
Herb Roasted Pork Loin, includes Chef’s choice starch and vegetable, tossed garden salad, assorted dressings, dinner rolls, with dessert bars/cookies. Coffee, soda and water included.
5:00 pm Registration & Networking
5:45 pm Dinner
6:15 pm Chapter News and Announcements
6:30 pm Presentation by Steve Utech, The Hidden Component of High Performance
Presentation by Steve Utech
This experiential workshop will take you through an accountability model derived from some of the top thinkers of the 1960’s Human Potential Movement. Gain awareness of your own patterns and choices in life and in work.
Steve Utech is the founder and CEO of illumyx. His background in both the hard sciences and the art of family dynamics inspired him to combine data and people as he entered the field of leadership, team and culture development 10 years ago. An entrepreneur at heart, Steve can’t help but create. He has been spending the past 5 years developing illumyx, finally giving companies a way to objectively measure and improve their workplace culture. Illumyx was a finalist in Steve Case’s Rise of the Rest pitch competition in 2017.
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Students: $10
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $25 each
Non-Members: $30
Presentation by Tracy Butz
Many people equate work to feelings of frustration, worry, unhappiness, anger or even fear. Work just doesn’t have to be this way! We can talk about these issues until the cows come home or we can do something about them. Whether you’re a leader or an individual contributor, you can make a significant impact in your workplace culture and also key relationships by making one small change after another, positively altering attitudes, behaviors and performance. So take the bull by the horns and steer the positive change you want to see. Before you know it, you’ll proudly proclaim, “HOLY COW!® This place rocks!” Read more here.
Dinner Menu:
Catered plate/buffet dinner from the MARQ
5:00 pm Registration & Social Hour
5:45 pm Dinner (catered by the MARQ)
6:30 pm Past President Introductions, Chapter Announcements
7:00 pm Presentation by Tracy Butz, HOLY COW! How to Create an Amazing Workplace that Steers Passion, Performance & Prosperity
Past Presidents: $0 (complimentary)
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $25 each
Students: $10
Non-Members: $30
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.

Session Summary
Speaker: Matthew David
The secure, distributed ledger technology that forms the foundation for Blockchain is breaking out as a new foundation for building enterprise applications. The goal of this presentation by Matthew David is to highlight leading Blockchain solutions, the risks and rewards of leveraging Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and how your company can start to leverage Blockchain today.
About Matthew
Matthew David is passionate about digital solutions and communicating how technology is transforming our lives. He has written more than 100s of articles and thirteen books that dig deep into explaining HTML5, Mobile Web Design, Mobile Development, IoT, DevOps and Blockchain.
Matthew can be followed online at:
Schedule of Events:
5:00 pm Registration & Social Networking
6:00 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Chapter News and Announcements
7:00 pm Speaker Presentation
8:05 pm Closing
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $15 each
Students: $10
Non-Members: $20
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Speaker: Jason Poquette
- What Jewelers Mutual initially identified as road blocks to being able to deliver systems quicker and more reliable.
- How we changed the culture to accomplish eliminating these road blocks.
- How we failed after our initial success.
- Where we evolved to today.
- Where we are going in the future.
About Jason
Jason Poquette has been in the IT industry for 20 years. In this time, he has served in many different roles, but still identifies himself as a developer (even though he hasn’t slung code in many, many years). As time passed, he found interest in how the different disciplines in IT often don’t work toward a common goal, and sometimes work against each other. This naturally caused him to gravitate toward the DevOps area and automation. He currently leads the DevOps and Quality Engineering practices Jeweler Mutual.
Schedule of Events:
5:00 pm Registration & Networking
6:00 pm Dinner (catered by Julie’s Café)
6:45 pm Chapter News and Announcements
7:00 pm Speaker Presentation
8:05 pm Closing
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $15 each
Students: $10
Non-Members: $20
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Meeting Details:
Speaker: Jeff Melendy
We’ve all heard of Scrum and the standups, demos, and retros. We know that the development team works in sprints and they deliver completed work. They need user stories and they create stuff. Woohoo!! You are agile!! Well, the development team is agile. Let’s take agility to the next level, and dive into what an agile organization looks like.
We’ll explore things like:
- What agile means.
- Why would an organization be agile?
- How to fail and be successful.
- Delivering value to your customers.
There is no “recipe” to follow to become an agile organization, if you follow one, you may just fail. At the end of this, you will have the tools to take with you to embrace agility within your organization and create your own recipe. Experiments to try and ways to fail small and early on your way to delivering value to your customer.
About Jeff:
Jeff Melendy has been in software development for 25 years. He started slinging code with Fox Pro for DOS and Visual Basic 3.0 in the mid 90’s. And this is where he started practicing iterative development and would deploy to production once a week. For the past 20 years, Jeff has been developing commercial software and as recently as 6 years ago moved away from writing code and into developing and managing an agile development team that has been at 90+ people on the team. Jeff was a leader in growing the agile practice from just two people all the way through into 90+ and scaling back to about 35 currently.
Schedule of Events:
5:00 pm Registration & Networking
6:00 pm Dinner (catered by the MARQ)
6:40 pm Year in Review, Chapter Announcements
7:00 pm Speaker Presentation – Jeff Melendy
8:05 pm Closing – Door prize giveaways
Members and their guest (spouse, significant other, etc.): $15 each
Students: $10
Non-Members: $25
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Machine Learning – An Introduction
We hear a lot of noise about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). If you’re wondering what ML is, how it fits in with AI, how it works, and how it might affect your life, you’re not alone. Furthermore, as IT professionals, we may see an impact on our careers sooner than most. Max Kresch will address these questions; he’ll walk us through some of the fundamentals of ML, its history, its application in today’s world, and how it’s likely to affect the future.
Dr. Max Kresch is currently a Data Science lecturer at UWGB as well as a scientific and mathematical programmer and consultant. He earned his PhD in Materials Science from the California Institute of Technology in 2009 and spent five years at the Institute for Defense Analyses, in Washington DC, testing and evaluating government systems. More recently, he served as Tools and Systems Engineer at a startup company providing Machine Learning as a service.
Dinner: “All-You-Can-Eat” Family Style
Grilled Haddock and Beef Tenderloin Tips
Seasonal Vegetables
Twice-Baked Potato, Stuffing and Gravy
Tossed Greens and Garden Salad, Tropical Fruit Salad
New York Cheesecake and Key Lime Pie
Members: $15
Guests: $25
Students: $10
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Client side apps – Xamarin desktop and mobile
Come for a discussion about the state of making client-side apps. We’ll discuss options of Xamarin, UWP, WPF, WinForms, PWAs, and others. You’ll walk away understanding the goals, support, and roadmap for these technologies. This will help you in making decisions about which technology to use for your next app or migrating your existing app.
Speaker: Greg Levenhagen
Greg Levenhagen is a Principal Consultant with Skyline Technologies, a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). He has a great passion for giving back to the community and teaching. A true enthusiast of computer science, with passions and interests including AR/MR/VR, AI, mobile, UX, architecture, distributed computing, 3D/games, cloud, automated testing, web, agile, languages and much more. Greg speaks at conferences like ThatConference, CodeMash, VSLive and Code PaLOUsa.
He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), board member of ThatConference, president of the Milwaukee Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Developers User Group, co-organizer of the Fox Valley Game Development Meetup, co-organizer of the Midwest Azure User Group, organizer of MobileMKE, cofounder of the Northeast WI Agile User Group, INETA speaker and IEEE and ACM member.
Along with being a life-long geek, Greg enjoys golfing, football, woodworking, philosophy and stimulating conversation.
“All-You-Can-Eat” Buffet Style
Sliced Prime Rib of Beef and Grilled Haddock
Parsley Buttered Baby Reds
Macaroni ‘n Real Cheese Casserole
Caesar Salad, Southwestern Black Bean Salsa, Tropical Fruit Salad
Mackinac Island Carrot Cake and ‘Chocolate on Chocolate’ Brownie Pie
Schedule of Events:
5:00pm Registration & Networking
6:00pm Dinner
6:45pm Chapter Announcements
7:00pm Speaker Presentation – Xamarin desktop and mobile, Greg Levenhagen
8:05pm Closing Comments
Members: $15
Guests: $25
Students: $10
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.
Session Summary:
The next-generation data center will not be the center for your data. In fact, we might not even call it a data center anymore as data will be distributed in the cloud, managed hosted, and/or multiple colocation facilities.
However, the data center is not dead – far from it. IT teams must increase their agility by taking automation and orchestration initiatives to the next level.
This session will address the top 2018 data center modernizations, trends, and initiatives. We will discuss how we got here and how data centers are evolving over the next 5-10 years.
Speaker Bios (Mark Ziesemer & Mike Hettmann):
Mark Ziesemer is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Information Security Architect at Heartland Business Systems. 15 years of Information Technology experience across networking, infrastructure/operations, cloud technologies, and software development. He has regularly been involved in all areas of I.T. from design, engineering, and architecture through operations, support, and training – with emphases in security, high availability, monitoring, performance, quality, automation, standards compliance, and documentation across all efforts – and with a proficiency towards providing enterprise services and solutions.
Since the mid-1990s, Mike Hettmann has been working as a professional technology advisor and consultant throughout Wisconsin. His passion is working with organizations that have a unique vision of where they want to be in the future. Mike works with his clients to make that vision a reality through the use of technology.
Main Entrees: Three-Cheese Lasagna (Traditional), and Beef Tenderloin – Medallions
Potato: Real Mashed
Additional Side: Traditional Stuffing and Gravy
Salads: Creamy Coleslaw, Marinated Vegetables, Tropical Fruit Salad
Desserts: ‘Peanut Butter Cup’ Cheesecake, Double-Crust Fruit Pie
Members: $15
Guests: $25
Students: $10
Note: Tickets for this event can be bought through the Eventbrite page or in-person at the door.