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Join us on Thursday July 17, 2025, for NEW AITP’s 48th annual Sherry Anklam Memorial Golf Outing.

Enjoy 18 holes of golf, in a scramble format, with proceeds benefiting Information Technology students and school initiatives through the Sherry Anklam Memorial Award.

Through this Award and your support of our event, the NEW AITP Chapter has awarded $18,000 to IT Students in Northeast Wisconsin in the last 8 years!

Bring your co-workers, clients, boss and friends for a wonderful day of golf at Mid Vallee Golf Course, one of Northeastern Wisconsin's finest.


$320 - Foursome Special (May 1 thru May 31)

$360 - Early Bird rate (June 1 – June 30)

$400 - Regular rate (July 1 – July 17)

Single to Trio Pricing (per golfer):

$90 - Early Bird (May 1 thru June 30)

$100 - Regular rate (July 1 – July 17)

Golfers can sign up on the day of the event, but only if space is available. BEST OPTION => Sign up early!

What's included?

  • 18 holes of golf with power cart
  • Box lunch & Dinner Buffet
  • Hole-In-One Contests
  • Hole Event Prizes / Raffles Prizes / Sponsor Give-Aways
  • Tons of Fun and Laughter all day!


Raffle Tickets: 

Purchase tickets to bid on wonderful prizes provided by Outing Sponsors, Community Businesses and the NEW AITP Chapter.

Limit: As many as you need to improve your chance of winning!

Mulligan Cards: 

Each Mulligan Card purchased will provide one (1) player with three (3) additional shots for use during their round to replace a shot which was less than stellar. Player will follow an "on your honor" policy on mulligan use. 

Limit: One Card per Player

** Golfers can purchase Raffle Tickets and Mulligan Cards early to save a few bucks via the "Super Ticket" option, shorten their time at the registration table, and increase their fun factor during the round!  Just add to your cart during online registration.

Golf Outing Sponsors

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NEW AITP is a unique combination of education, information, and recreation, blended together to offer IT Professionals, Educators, and Students a foundation of support in our fast paced and dynamic field of information technology.

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